Friday, September 21, 2012

Fuzzy Thinking

Last day of summer. Not at all sorry to see it go, though I will miss the delicious fruits and vegetables. I may not taste a decent tomato until next year.

These furry visitors are everywhere today. Is there some adage about caterpillars predicting winter weather?


Monte Stevens said...

Well, a quick search on google came up with this. The woolly bear caterpillar—with its 13 distinct segments of black and reddish-brown—has the reputation of being able to forecast the coming winter weather. Not sure this guy (gal) is a wooly bear but dang is beautiful.

I thought the first day of fall happened a couple weeks ago when Starbucks started offering their Pumpkin Spice lattes, again.

Faye White said...

Your comment made me smile... :)