Tuesday, June 18, 2024


Holy moley, I've just realized that I painted this 34 years ago. It won a blue ribbon (and I have no idea where the ribbon is today) in a county art competition. I took a photo of the loom while visiting Cades Cove, TN. 

Back then, I wasn't afraid of a full sheet of watercolor paper (22"x30"). Today, I'm painting a 5"x7". 


Friday, June 14, 2024

Sally and Sunflowers

Reminiscing about the LOOK3 Festival of the Photograph, Charlottesville, VA 2015. One of the guest speakers was Sally Mann and I was lucky enough to get an autographed copy of her book - "Hold Still". 

And a collage of sunflower paintings. I think I should move on to a new subject.


Thursday, June 06, 2024

New Moon

Lately: 6 month checkup with the doc (everything is cool), covid and rsv vaccinations (had a slightly achy reaction), managed a sunflower watercolor that I'm actually happy with. 

Tomorrow - starting a new acrylic painting. 

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Sunflowers and Lists

I'm currently working on a sunflower, in watercolor. I haven't had much success painting sunflowers in the past. As with all things, I'm hoping that patience is the key. 

 I also came upon a poem by Linda Pastan: 

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Thoughts for Thursday

It's a beautiful morning here in South Carolina. Coolish temps, sunshine, a light breeze doing its job on the wind chimes, and coffee. There is work to be done inside but not just yet. 

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Calming down

After the shark tale, I felt the need to cleanse my thoughts. I've had a sketch waiting for the first brush stroke so I began a new acrylic project. A blank canvas, a blank sheet of paper, both so daunting and taunting. As though the canvas is saying "I'm still waiting... I'm not going to paint myself you know". 


No Fishing!

I watch a lot of live beach webcams. I enjoy watching the waves and listening to them as they crash onto the shore. There are often people surf fishing. Yesterday, while viewing South Ponte Vedra island, I watched a couple of guys reel in a shark. Now, their method for shark fishing is using a drone do take the baited hook further from shore than they would be able to cast manually. The drone drops the line and returns to shore. Eventually, a shark takes the bait and is (after much exertion on the part of the fisherman) reeled in to shore where the hook is removed, measurements taken, and released back into the surf. The first catch was a tiger shark and it was kind of exciting to watch. The second was a large hammerhead shark. Again, hook removed, measurement taken, photo snapped, and released. The THIRD was reeled in in the early evening and by now I'm sympathizing with the sharks. This morning, they're still there, having camped overnight. I can't watch any more. Florida is a horrible state. To be honest, South Carolina isn't much better but what am I to do. And with that, enjoy Memorial Day... unless you're a shark of course. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2024


Today is cheerios and watercolor Wednesday.  This week seems to be test Faye's technical problem solving abilities.  So far, I'm winning.