Monday, March 11, 2024

A New Week

A new week has begun and I'm hoping my emotions will be on a more even keel. It has been very hard to accept that Angie is gone. So hard. The slightest thing can have me in tears. 

This photo is from 2002, one of the windows on the Ponce Inlet lighthouse in Florida. I believe this was taken with my Sony F707.



monstev said...

Each time we grieve death it is different. New emotions that bring up tears unexpectedly. I'm aware you have grieved death before but it does not get any easier. I pray, send waves of love your way and hope you reach out for help when needed and hold yourself in love.

monstev said...

And, I love this image!!!!

Faye White said...

Thank you, Monte. I appreciate your sentiment.

geri oster said...

Prayers for your peace as you walk this road of loss, Faye. There can be peace in the midst of my sorrow when I am reminded that I am not alone on this seemingly lonely path. Holding you in my heart. And yes, somehow this image, sitting with it this morning, lovely in its simplicity and color, sooths my own melancholy soul. Thank you, Faye.

Faye White said...

Thank you, Geri. It is indeed comforting to know we are not alone on this journey.