Thursday, December 28, 2023


End of the year is approaching.  Gotta make plans for next year? The last day of 2023 is 123123... seems as though I should celebrate/commemorate it somehow. Something profound. Write a song - "The Ballad of 123123". I don't know. Future generations will ask "Where were you on 123123?" Me: Oh, I watched some TV and drank some wine. Sad.
The moon will not be full which is probably a good thing. I imagine a lot of weddings will take place.  Now, that's profound. Not in the cards for me however.
I will watch my step as I also do not want to become deceased on 123123.
Overthinking: it's what I do. 


1 comment:

monstev said...

LOL Yes I also overthink and have an amazing imagination creating unimaginable scenarios. I was not aware of the 123123 thing. That may be cause to do something different this news years. Maybe I buy some eggnog, or actually stay up till midnight. Nah, but I'll come up with something. Looking forward to whatever profound adventure you do! And, if it's a ballad....