Saturday, March 26, 2022


 Today was my wedding anniversary. 

More flowers and an interesting quote:

"A good artist is one that uses his work to make the invisible visible. So can you achieve one photograph where you don’t have to explain, where it is so simple and you do not need the mercy of words to tell your story? If not, then your photograph is not simple enough. A thought is beautiful when it is expressed in a simple manner, and when it is perceived and understood." ~ Pierre Poulain


monstev said...

Aahh! Love that photo. You look very happy in that image.

Are all those flower image you take from you balcony are is there a garden around you area. And, what's the latest on moving?

Faye White said...

The recent flower pics are of plants I have on my balcony. Re: moving, I'm still looking at apartments. Since I'm not moving until October, it's too early to finalize anything yet.