Wednesday, January 12, 2022

IR on my mind

 According to my photo files, when January rolls around my mind turns to infrared. This is probably due to the winter photo slump (although my slump is not limited to one season). I went searching for my Sony... my poor, taped up, on its last breath Sony. It took a while to find it and it took even longer to charge the battery. One of these days everything will cease to work but for now it's working. I handle it with great care lest the rubber bands that hold the lenses on break.

Sony's night vision mode was very innovative (in my opinion) and makes shooting infrared easier/simpler. Before I located the camera today, I googled shooting infrared on other cameras. Someday, I might have to go that route. But maybe the Sony will outlast me. ;)

1 comment:

monstev said...

I love those old cameras that have served us well. Interesting that we seem to take better care of them, that can be anything or anyone, when they do get older. Take care of that baby!