Sunday, December 06, 2020

Wake Up!


Monte mentioned the stories we wrote ten years ago. Ten years?! Of course, I had to go back and read mine and I was floored that those words came out of me. And it wasn't too bad.

When did I stop writing more than a short sentence? It seems to have been three or so years ago. I don't know. I don't paint, I don't write and my photos are sporadic and without much feeling.

I could point to all sorts of life events that may have precipitated the slump, but that would be making excuses. 

And for crying out loud, look at how dirty my pen is! I have work to do.

1 comment:

monstev said...

You made me laugh this morning! Thank you!

Seems you may be hearing a voice inside whispering secrets for you to share in your paintings, photography and writings. I hope you listen, my friend! I'll be watching for them.