Sunday, June 26, 2011

Looking for it

I feel as though, for the past ten years (?!) I have flitted from flower head to cat's nose, rarely missing a beat. Especially while I was doing the PAD project. Don't get me wrong, today I look back at many (most) of my photos and fall in love with them all over again... and wonder if it was really me who took that picture. It almost felt easy.

So... now the hard work begins? Is that where I find myself today? I can't accept that. On some days, I feel as though there's a photograph "right there"... just out of my line of sight. If I could just turn my head in the right direction or stand up to peer over whatever obstacle is blocking my view, then "it" will be there, ready and waiting for me to bring the camera to my eye.

"Photographic technique is no secret and – provided the interest is there – easily assimilated. But inspiration comes from the soul and when the Muse isn’t around even the best exposure meter is very little help. In their biographies, artists like Michelangelo, da Vinci and Bach said that their most valuable technique was their ability to inspire themselves. This is true of all artists; the moment there is something to say, there becomes a way to say it." - Ralph Gibson


Monte Stevens said...

Not sure what your cats think, but I think you're a darn good flitterer. Of course you should be with all that practice.

I trust that in your search you and your muse will find your images, the ones within you. Again, go for it!

Brent said...

That Gibson quote is brilliant. I've never told anyone this because it sounds so egotistical (a trait I personally think I lack), but my biggest inspiration is myself. My own images. That doesn't mean they're incredible or anything. But I do sometimes stroll through my galleries. I reassure myself I can do it if I want to.

Maher once said about America, and I'm paraphrasing, that people either have too much self esteem or too little. I need to have more esteem. I need to want more. I need to believe more. Maybe we can get there together???