Friday, September 10, 2010


This was one of my favorite places on my tour - Chobe Safari Lodge, Botswana. After two nights in Johannesburg, this was my introduction to "the wild" No tent camping for me! Through those doors and across an expanse of lawn is the Chobe River. There was plenty of wildlife roaming around the grounds.... monkeys, wart hogs and exotic birds to name a few. I was there for three nights and when we left, I was wishing that I could stay for another week. It was so peaceful and relaxing. I think I was just beginning to recuperate from the long flight and the urban setting of Jo'burg.

1 comment:

Monte Stevens said...

Looks very inviting and sounds even better. If you enjoyed it that much then maybe you need to go back. I think having the sound of nature in the background is far more relaxing than any TV, radio or any other sound created by our culture. Better start packing.