Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Let there be light

"I can do it myself." It's difficult for me to ask for help. If there is any way possible, I will do it myself. I know my limitations though, electrical problems for example. Sometimes, I have gotten into trouble. Like when I painted my entire great room and ended up with bursitis in my shoulder. And more recently, pulling two heavy bins out of the storage room. That was months ago and I'm still having shoulder issues. I've lived alone for fifteen years now and I've learned that if I want it done, I'll probably have to do it myself. And so, this morning I was on a ladder, replacing burnt out bulbs in my patio lights.


1 comment:

monstev said...

Whoa! You climbed a ladder? It sounds like you are a strong willed (or is that stubborn) woman. Well, I am learning to ask for help as my body does not recover well from over exertion or injury. I'm also learning that I give a gift allowing someone to help me. Please be careful! Happy Valentine's Day, my friend!