Friday, July 29, 2022

Happy Birthday to Me

 It's that time of year; another tick on the clock. 

First, let me say that I love every sloppy thing about this photo. I can see it hanging in a diner. It's real. It's not a glitzy food photo. I wouldn't change a noodle or drip of sauce. :)

And now, the boxes await to be filled. Sigh. One at a time.


monstev said...

Yes, on the image and looks very inviting to me. Ya made me hungry. The two young girls that lived stairs are moving out today. Lots of noise and thank God for family and friends. Good luck on the packing and moving. I'd help but the drive is too much, I have this bad back and a knee that ain't what it used to be.

monstev said...

Oh, and Happy Birthday young lady!