Saturday, September 11, 2021

A Visitor

I went out on the balcony before sunrise to enjoy the cooler temps. As I pulled a dead leaf off one of the plants, I saw something jump. I assumed it was a bug and didn't give it much thought. As the sky lightened, I saw that it was a frog... on the 5th floor! I tried to get a pic with my phone but it was too dark to get a focus. I went inside and got the Fuji/80mm. Still didn't get a great pic, low light and a slippery subject made sharpness near impossible. (rethinking my lenses now)  Note: if he had jumped on me, I'd still be running and screaming.  Note 2: Being visited by a frog is supposed to be good luck. 🙂

And, hibiscus with sunrise. 

1 comment:

monstev said...

5th floor?? That frog can jump!!!