Friday, October 28, 2016

Better Late

I almost didn't make the annual trip to North Georgia to see the leaves. There was no reason, I just hadn't made plans to go. Then I decided to just go already!. I wasn't sure if the trees would be bare by this time of the year, but there was lots of fall color to be seen. 

And now Autumn feels complete. :)

Monday, October 10, 2016

Had to get out

I was so aggravated by the posts on social media this morning, I had to get out of the house. Shutting down the computer wasn't enough. So I went to the park. I was hoping to find a little color, since it's still too early for most of the trees. I found a few spots and of course, reflected sky is always calming.

And when I got home, I had received my copy of Vivian Howard's new cookbook. I don't buy cookbooks anymore. I used to, but in a cleaning frenzy, I donated all but one or two. (I wasn't using them; it's too easy to find recipes on Pinterest, etc.) But I've watched Vivian's show on PBS and I'm a big fan. :)

Saturday, October 01, 2016

Autumn finally arrived!

The temperatures have cooled and so the a/c is OFF and the windows are open. I'm loving the energy I get from fresh, cool air. 

Anyway, the garden keeps giving and so today I am attempting to make tomato sauce using my home-grown tomatoes and basil. My 'crop' is just enough for me to keep up with and consume. 

Happy Fall!