Sunday, January 04, 2015

What tales will be told when the year is done?

It's one thing to make plans for the coming year, quite another to acknowledge that there will be surprises and unexpected events. I could never have guessed a year ago what 2014 would bring; good and bad, ups and downs. But - that's life, right? If we knew what was ahead... well, I believe that it's better we don't. I've shared this quote before but it still rings true: The earth was made round so that we can't see too far down the road. (that may not be the exact quote, but you get the idea)

I will say that most of the extra good stuff that happened for me last year was a direct result of my good decisions and perseverance to get things done. Lesson learned: trust my instincts more often.

On a less positive note, I seemed to flounder in my photography. I felt ambivalent most of the time. Although I was satisfying my creative appetite through other avenues (e.g. painting), I missed making photographs that moved me. It came home to roost when I sat down to compile photos for my calendar. Whereas I usually have trouble choosing just twelve from my yearly crop, this time I couldn't put together a dozen that I was wild about. Very sad for me. So I've committed to another photo-a-day project for 2015. I need the pressure, apparently. 

1 comment:

monstev said...

I can relate as my photography was a hit and miss this past year. So was my journaling. I made 5 entries in December when I normally write 4-5 times a week. I do not feel a need to set any goals but create when the muse calls. And, nothing wrong with pressure.