Or, so said the fortune cookie. The other fortune said that I will soon gain something I have always wanted. I don't know what that would be. I can't think of any thing that I have always wanted. There have probably been things that I've wanted at certain points in my life, but always wanted? Hmmm... maybe peace of mind. The luxury of not having to worry. That would be nice.
How true - things are rarely as they seem in so many instances. I'll go along with wanting peace of mind, now that would really be worth having.
I like the new b/g and blog style.
Thanks Ann. I tried out a few different templates and settled on this one - for now. ;-)
Wow! What a surprise when I logged on and saw the new layout. Has a bright and happy feel to it. So, I vote yes.
I agree with the cookie and Ann. If I really look at what I have, I have enough. If its' an object I want, over time the want will fade away or be replaced by something else. If it's a situation I want changed then I'm not accepting the present moment in my life. At times, I find peace and serenity and at other times "not." Those times are usually due to something troubling me within rather that without.
Life without worry sounds nice on paper, but without a little drama it'd be a snooze fest. Yes, the freedom from extreme worriment is ideal, but a little kink in the system keeps us on our toes and lets us value the truly wonderful and carefree times we hopefully get to experience.
It's like eternal life. Sounds good at first. Even the most minimal exploration of the idea reveals its flaw: it's hell.
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