Saturday, December 01, 2012

Mama Too won't be a mama no more!

The feral cat fixing saga: Four of eight have been trapped, neutered and released. It has been quite a learning experience for me. I had no idea how the traps worked... stinky mackerel is the key. The logistics of the process always kept me from taking action and if my pet sitter hadn't volunteered to help me, I'd still be at square one. For instance, I was so clueless, I thought I would have to block the access to underneath the deck (where they hide). Again, the stinky fish-bait is the key... and the traps, of course. I now know how to set a trap and how to release a raccoon or two, who also enjoy stinky fish.

We will set the traps again tomorrow night and hopefully the last four will be fixed by week's end. One of the females, the matriarch, got out of the garage the morning after her surgery and I haven't seen her since. She should have stayed inside for forty-eight hours. I feel terrible about this, but I'm still hoping to see her on the deck soon.

Today is the four-year anniversary of my husband's death. I'm trying to focus on other things.


Monte Stevens said...

Good to hear that progress is being made and you are learning some new tricks.

Thank you for sharing the anniversary date as I will send out a prayer. Please enjoy your weekend and good luck catching the other four.


Faye White said...

Thanks, Monte!