Tuesday, July 30, 2024


I celebrated another trip around the sun. Thanks to my family for making my day special. 

The summer doldrums have a stranglehold on me. No creativity - painting or photography - have occurred for at least a month. I suppose that's not so very long. Perhaps a respite is good for the soul. You can't force creativity, of that I am sure.

A little minor surgery for a skin cancer and now I'm good for another 50,000 miles. 


monstev said...

Happy Birthday, my friend!!!! Glad you were able to celebrate with family. I agree we cannot force creativity. Our task is to showup when the time's right. I'll wait for your creative nudge to show back up.

geri oster said...

Happy, Happy Birthday, Faye! It is an amazing gift to realize that "Someone's" got our back and keeping the breath of life in us. It has been a bit since I have visited here, and I am so glad that I did. Enjoy the peace of these moments of gathering until once again the creativity shall pour forth. I am trying to learn to just be in this moment. May you find fulfillment in just being Faye today, and allow the Spirit to pour its life into you as you rest. Thank you for your gifts. Blessings.

Faye White said...

Thank you so very much, Geri. Your words are exactly what I need to hear at this time. Blessings.