Monday, July 26, 2010


Renewing the passport and other administrative tasks:

Today is another scorcher outside, so I've been clearing up the piles of paperwork on my desk. One item was the renewal of my passport. It doesn't expire until Feb. 2011, but I won't be traveling internationally before then, so this is a good time to send it off. Never has getting a photo EXACTLY the right size been so difficult. 2"x2" overall size, with the distance from the tip of my chin to the top of my head (including hair) to be not less than 1" and not more than 1 3/8". I think I finally got one to be close enough.

A year ago today I was on my way to Maui for a week. I was avoiding spending my birthday at home, alone. It was a beautiful and exciting distraction, but this year I am staying home and taking in some local events - laser show and a baseball game for instance. It's just a date, right? 

"Waiter!! Another martini, please."

1 comment:

Monte Stevens said...

I think it's a good idea for you to renew now and be prepared for future travel.

As far as dates go, well they always seem to strike a chord with me, even subconsciously. The spirit/soul within me always knows when important dates arrive.

Now go have fun, and enjoy your life!